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With over 15 years of Python experience, there’s so much that I’ve learned the hard way. I want to help you and your team to enjoy Python, grow more skills, and be empowered to make a difference.
May 18, 2023
Are you a Python developer striving to write better software with fewer bugs? If you've been intimidated by the concept of refactoring or felt frustrated by the lack of Python-specific advice, then you're in the right place. Welcome to the …
March 3, 2023
Updated 2023-06-23: My initial solution started failing in a Chromium browser, so I had to create a more robust workaround. See below.
HTMX has done wonders to help me enjoy my web development tasks.
Recently, I became aware of a …
February 14, 2023
Type hints are a great tool to communicate your intent with your code.
When starting with type hints, many people will document functions similar to how I did with this function: